It was great to see such a big contingent from the group at the Central Bank Bhaa Cross Country in Wesley College yesterday. I know the guys from CB who train with us really appreciated it.
Our first home was Brian Geraghty in 4th place ( 1st / O45) with Des Kennedy next in 5th (1st/O50).Paddy Lyons followed Des in 7th with Neilus Healy continuing his upward trajectory in 13th . John McAuley (16th). Derek Taylor made it a hat-trick of victories in the age categories in 17th (1st – O40) Paul Dunne (20th) Pauraic Shortall (21st) Ed Hayes (22nd) Peter Gray (29th – 3rd O/50) Colm Bellew ( 34th) Niall Fox (36th) David Naylor (39th) Rob Costello (46th) Rob Brannigan (49th) Malika Hammani (2nd female O/40) Darragh Mc Carthy 80th , Conor Daly 90th and Diane McNevin.
Ian Conroy finished in 255th place in the English National Cross Country Championships in Wollaton Park.